In Assam, the Sbf representative has visited the Durduria village of Darrang District, For the implementation and formation of cordination commiitte on Disaster management DRMV model village,Where the panchayat secretary mosque priest , Village women,Farmers and Sbf youth volunteers were attended this interaction meeting.It was a productive discussion with Mr. Faiyaz Iqbal( Project Cordinator,SBF)Mr. Motiur Rahman(village coordinator, SBF).The meeting was hosted by Mr Nur Islam (Headmaster-cum-CRC, Durduria Govt Primay School)
The goal of this committee is to put a DRMV model into action in their community in order to raise everyone’s standard of living. It will take everyone’s collaboration and effort to complete this wonderful initiative.
The community’s commitment and excitement are greatly appreciated, and we are sure that this project will transform the area for positive reasons.