Cleanliness Drive

Why Sanitation?

As per an estimation by WHO, around 827,000 people in low- and middle-income countries die as a result of inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene each year. Poor sanitation is the major cause in more than half of these deaths. A WHO study also concluded that every 1 dollar invested in sanitation, gives a high return of $ 5.5 in terms of lower health expenditure, greater productivity, and lower premature deaths. It becomes more critical to observe personal hygiene and sanitation best practices in emergency situations especially following a disaster.
Due to its focus on preventing and mitigating risks of disasters, SBF organizes nation-wide cleanliness drives “Har Qadam Swachhta Ki Or” in collaboration with local government bodies, corporates, community leaders and volunteers by identifying strategic locations and making a significant contribution to the national ‘Clean India Mission’.