The work was aimed to train SBF volunteers on Disaster Management and Modern Rescue Techniques. The President of SBF and Retired IPS Officer Mr. M A Anarwala, Vice President of the SBF and a retired IPS Officer Mr. Abdul Jabbar, Mr. Abdul Rauf Ex Deputy Commissioner of Nagpur, Mr. Atiq ur Rahman NLP Coach and Motivational Speaker, Mr. Suresh Kumar Director Training Panel SBF, Mr. Irfan Ahmad National Coordinator of the SBF and Dr Amir Jamal Volunteer Coordinator of the SBF and many others participated into this workshop. As many as 60 volunteers from 15 North Indian states participated into this advance training workshop.
The President of SBF and Retired IPS Officer Mr. M A Anarwala was the Chief Guest at the workshop while Vice President of the SBF and a retired IPS Officer Mr. Abdul Jabbar in his key note address, shared his expertise on community participation during natural calamities or other disasters. Mr. Suresh Kumar Director Training Panel of SBF talked at length about disaster management while Mr. Atiq ur Rahman NLP Coach and Motivational Speaker shared his opinion about development of leadership skills which is a very crucial for disaster management. Mr. Irfan Ahmad National Coordinator of the SBF on his part talked about importance and use of social media network particularly Meta world.
The SBF organizes such workshops to train its volunteers to prepare them for any calamity viz manmade or natural in their areas and across the country. SBF since its formation in a decade ago has set a benchmark in tackling disastrous situations and help the vulnerable population. The SBF with a strong team of trained volunteers at the National, State and District levels always come forward to save the humanity in natural and other hazards, like fire eruption, building collapse etc.