Sorry, The Chronicle, reported on Wednesday, Spider Man has a

Dec 29, 2012

HomeNewsNorth East NewsNewcastle City Centre’Fantastic’ or ‘absolutely dreadful’? Your verdict on Newcastle’s beatboxing Spider ManNewcastle City Council officials have asked the busker to leave Northumberland street which has divided opinion among our readers Share Comments11:30, 26 MAY 2016Get daily updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailAs the Daily Bugle. Sorry, The Chronicle, reported on Wednesday, Spider Man has a new nemesis Newcastle City Council.Officials have asked Piotr Hajduk, the beatboxing busker who dresses as the superhero, to sling his hook after shoppers on Northumberland Street complained about the noise.He has been told to find a new spot to perform in and, of course, the decision has divided opinion among our readers on Facebook.And in a poll we ran with the original story, 53% of you said it was unfair that Piotr has been asked to move on.Writing on our Facebook page, Tom Lynch said: “I’ve seen him on Northumberland Street a few times. I think he’s better than a lot of buskers.

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