On 28 Dec 2016, an orientation camp on disaster management has been organised in Raipur, Chhattisgarh. The objective of this camp was to aware people about the disaster management and introduce Society for Bright Future (SBF). Mr. Anil Kumar (Fireman, Civil Defence) has given a lecture on fire-fighting. Mr. Mohib Khan (District Incharge), Mr. Faheemullah Khan (State Convener, SBF Chhattisgarh), Mr. Dawood Hasan (Asst. Convener, SBF Chhattisgarh), Mr. Baqar Abbas (Media Incharge, Congress, Raipur), Mr. Farhan Qazi, Mr. Yaar Khan and many were present there in order to make this programme camp a successful one. Through this programme, SBF got their new volunteers in Chhattisgarh State after participants signed up for the SBF volunteer membership.
Orientation Camp on Disaster Management, Chhattisgarh