Oct 29, 2021

A three days national training and disaster management workshop of Society for Bright Future (SBF) was organized on 24th – 26th October 2021, for 60 selected Volunteers of Assam North.  Mr. Diwan Nazrul Qadir, Director of HOMA Academy, spoke on volunteers’ ethics and responsibility. Mr. Utpal Bhuyan, Wireless Operator Cum Demonstrator, Bangaigaon, and his team gave hands-on training in first aid – handling the patient, stretcher making, CPR and handling snake bites. The volunteers were also trained on drowning and flood relief and rescue by boat and raft (raft making by using locally available materials) and raft derailing exercise also. Dr. Nandita Dutta, District Project Officer (DPO) Barpeta, gave a lecture on Disaster and Disaster Management. On the second day, Dr. Saiful Alam Siddiqui, spoke on prospects of SS in the Field of Humanitarian Relief. Mr. Amir Jamal, Volunteer Coordinator, SBF spoke on how to make the ongoing campaign β€œHar Kadam Swatchta Ki Or” more effective. On the third day, Mr. Makbul Ahmad Anarwala IPS (Retd), President of the Society for Bright Future, spoke on Plan and Preparation for Disaster Management. Mr. Irfan Ahmad, National Coordinator, SBF, spoke on team building activities like goal setting and conducted activity on water relay.  Mr. Mrinal Das, Station Officer, Barpeta, and his team gave firefighting training on handling different types of fire and conducted a mock drill. Mr. Ishfaqul Hussain was also present during the workshop. The program ended with the closing remarks of Mr. Makbul Ahmad Anarwala.Awards and certificates were also distributed to the participants.